30 Days Hath September, here’s the book sale to remember!
If you’re a serious book sale shopper, meet us here in Reston proper.
Hardbacks and paper, trades and tiny,
Condition excellent (some still shiny).
Cooking, Sci-Fi, Lit, and Mystery;
Travel, Languages, Biz, and History;
Religion, Health, and every Hobby.
Don’t miss our tables in the lobby.
Prices starting at just .50
(try Charly’s Corner for big/strange/nifty)
First night for Members, at the door you can pay.
But don’t worry – WE RESTOCK. EVERY. DAY.
We’ll gladly take checks, cash, or credit
Your book is here — so come and get it!!
Members’ Night (Memberships at door: $5 Seniors, $15 Adult/household)
Wednesday, September 21: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Open Sale
Thursday, September 22: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday, September 23: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday, September 24: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sunday, September 25: 12 noon – 3:30 p.m.
(library opens at 1pm)
WE RESTOCK EVERY DAY while supplies last!
Those with need for special access are invited to contact the Reston Friends in advance of the sale to arrange special shopping opportunities. If you have questions or requests, please contact the Friends in advance, email restonfriendspr@gmail.com or call to leave a message at 703-829-5467.
Note: No scanners or other devices can be used on Media or in Charly’s Corner. No children’s books are offered at this sale. Next children/teens/educators sale will be Spring 2017. Policies and guidelines will be posted at the sale.
The Reston Friends are grateful to the local community for generous donations of books and media. Your support makes Friends book sales possible. All proceeds go to support the Reston Regional Library and the Fairfax County Public Library system. Thank you!
Friends of the Reston Regional Library
11925 Bowman Towne Drive
Reston, VA 20190
Follow us on Twitter @LoveBooksReston or facebook.com/RestonLibraryFriends