Reston Art Gallery & Studios (RAGS) is located in a scenic area of Reston known as Lake Anne. The gallery is home to a variety of artists that bring their own unique style and techniques together for the community to experience.
Each month, the gallery puts together a beautiful show that brings together these unique styles and techniques. Each show can display any number of disciplines including (but not limited to) painting, sculpture, collage, and jewelry. The gallery is open to the public Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 12-5pm or by appointment during the week if you were interested in meeting with a specific artist while they work in their studio space.
On April 8th, the gallery held a reception to kick off a group show titled “Springtime in Reston.” This group show was in full bloom featuring all current artists including owner Pat Macintyre, Sandra Dovberg, Joan Kelly, Wayne Schiffelbein, Marthe McGrath, Kathy Sullivan, Gail Axtell-Erwin, Rosemarie Forsythe, and Dorothy Donahey.
Between May 3rd – May 30th, artists Kathy Sullivan and Pat Macintyre will be showing a very fun joint exhibit titled “EE-I-EE-I-OH!” The opening reception will be held on May 13th from 2-4pm and is open to the public so mark your calendars, because you won’t want to miss the fun.
The following month, Sandy Dovberg will be holding an individual exhibit titled “Impressions of the Emerald Isle”. This exhibit will be open from May 31st – July 2nd . The opening reception for this exhibit will be held on June 10th from 2-4pm and this is also open to the public.
Check out to see more work by each individual artist, to get more information about upcoming shows, or to schedule a time to meet with an artist one-on-one.