Photos by Sonia Castillo-Smith and Rich Smith.
On June 11, the Rotary Club of Reston held a “Stop Hunger Now” event, packaging 10,150 meals for people in need all over the world.
This event was made possible by the generosity of the YMCA of Reston, which provided the Rotary Club with the perfect location; by the incredible efforts made by Stop Hunger Now Assistant Program Manager Alex Hart; and by a $3,000 donation from the Rotary Club of Reston, which enabled the group to host the event.
Local families, some of them with their children, gathered at the YMCA Reston to package the meals to benefit thousands of people in need.
The Rotary Club of Reston looks forward to hosting another Stop Hunger Now event in the future. For more information, please visit RestonRotary.org.