Northern Virginia B2G Matchmaking Conference and Small Business Expo May 7th

The Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce’s 7th Annual Northern Virginia B2G Matchmaking Conference and Small Business Expo will be held May 7th at the Inova Conference Center in Fairfax.

This regional half-day event is designed for emerging to established government contractors who want to take their business to the next level. The program is comprised of a keynote presentation from Roger Krone, Chairman and CEO of Leidos, a Small Business Expo, matchmaking conference, and educational sessions – there is something for everyone.

The Small Business Expo enables your company to showcase your services to the 300+ attendees and build brand awareness in the govcon community.

The Matchmaking Conference provides registrants the opportunity for one-on-one pre-scheduled matchmaking meetings. Jennifer Rhodes, Executive Vice President of Tagence advises, “Meet procurement and small business liaison officers from 35 government agencies and prime contractors. Come prepared to speak about your business and learn about how best to win contracts with them.”

The educational sessions will be taught by government experts who will share ideas and strategies on a number of relevant govcon topics. “Education Sessions will offer opportunities for participants to hear about new programs and initiatives being implemented by the Government to help private sector businesses connect to the federal marketplace,” explains Iris Britt, president of Iris Britt Consulting, a local government contracting company.

The morning will kick off with keynote speaker Roger Krone providing great insight on emerging trends in the govcon industry. Additionally, Antonio Doss, the Washington Area District Director of the Small Business Administration, will return to share the importance of small businesses in the govcon vertical.

This event has outgrown its venue each year and has quickly become know as the premier business-to-government event taking place outside of the beltway.

Photo credit: Chip McCrea Photography

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